Flow chemistry services

R&D flow chemistry at axplora

Flow chemistry has become increasingly important in API manufacturing over the last two decades.

Complementary to existing batch manufacturing, flow chemistry may open novel process windows to improve safety, productivity and/or yield of challenging process steps, and reduce their environmental impact.

Axplora has accumulated unmatched experience in developing and operating continuous processes at a commercial scale (e.g. continuous chromatography, electrochemistry). With a dedicated team focused on flow chemistry development, we aim to become your preferred partner for development and manufacturing using flow chemistry.

The benefits of flow chemistry

  • Improved process sustainability & cost-effectiveness
    • Decreased energy needs to cool/heat reactor
    • More linear scale-up, better reproducibility
    • Increased flexibility in batch size
    • Decreased equipment footprint
    • Waste minimization, decreased PMI
  • Access to innovative solutions for API manufacturing
    • Better control of unstable intermediates
    • Development and scale-up of photochemical processes
    • Manufacturing of highly energetic intermediates

Demonstrable expertise in flow chemistry

  • Strong experience in development
    • Dedicated team with more than 10 years of experience of flow chemistry process development
    • Experience in different types of reactions (Cryogenic reactions, Photochemistry, Liquid-Gaz reactions, Liquid-Liquid reactions, …)
    • Specific development methodologies for flow processes (e.g. Process Modeling)
  • Ability to offer flow solutions in Axplora’s core technologies
    • Hazardous chemistry and cryogenic chemistry are key technologies for Axplora, from process development to large-scale manufacturing
    • Know-how and expertise to evaluate, compare and deliver the most efficient solution depending on the process requirements to best fit our customers’ needs
    • Strong engineering and validation history for implementation of continuous processes for cGMP manufacturing

To learn more about our flow chemistry expertise, discover our content:

Our flow chemistry solutions

Axplora offers a wide and flexible range of flow chemistry services, from lab-scale feasibility studies to validation:

  • Fast track – Lab scale feasibility studies
    • Evaluation of feasibility
    • Evaluation of initial parameters
    • Recommendations for further process development
  • Process development / Optimization
    • Identification of the best process parameters using established methodologies
    • Selection of flow reactors best adapted to the reaction requirements
    • Estimation of manufacturing productivity and identification of best set-up
  • Proof of Concept batch (non-GMP)
    • Manufacturing of 10s of grams
    • Validation of productivity assumptions and product quality
    • Confirmation of process stability on longer run
  • Pilot scale cGMP manufacturing
    • Pilot & small-scale cGMP manufacturing (up to 50 kg/week)
    • High modularity of the equipment using different reactor design, giving access to a wide range of reaction conditions
    • Manufacturing of API and intermediates to support clinical studies
  • Validation
    • Process characterization (PAR & Fate and Purge studies)
    • Analytical method validations
    • Regulatory support
Axplora flow chemistry reactor
Axplora flow chemistry reactor

Our sites offer flow chemistry

The Chasse-sur-Rhône site offers a research platform in flow chemistry to develop methodologies for efficient process development under continuous flow conditions.

Axplora Chasse Sur Rhône site
Axplora Chasse Sur Rhône site
Axplora Leverkusen flow chemistry pilot equipment
Axplora Leverkusen flow chemistry pilot equipment

Discover our CDMO services and technologies for APIs:

Brochure CDMO services for Pharmaceuticals cover